

In 1983, a formal gathering of Fiji Hindu's engaging in religious activities recognized that a cultural and prayer center to facilitate worship by Edmonton's Hindu Families was needed. This is where the journey began.

In the late 1985, with the help of the general public and the leadership of the late Mr. Ram Chandar, the Sanatan Society of Alberta acquired an old church building at 12629 69 St. Edmonton Albert. After hard work and renovations it was converted into The Fiji Sanatan Society of Alberta, which is also known as Vishnu Mandir Edmonton.

The Sanatan Board

The Sanatan Board was formed by the societies that the late Mr. Ram Dayal had called together when discussing the need for the cultura and prayer center. The four societies are:


  • Shree Sanatan Dharam Ramayan Society
  • Edmonton Geeta Ramayan Congregation
  • Edmonton Vedic Congregation
  • Edmonton Prem Society
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